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Parking Policy

Parking Permits

Students are permitted to operate and park licensed motor vehicles on the Tiffin University campus. All operators of motor vehicles are required to register their vehicle license plate numbers and must pick up a parking registration tag from the Student Affairs Office during the first two weeks of classes. Parking registration tags must be placed in front of the rear view mirror with the colored side facing towards the front of the vehicle. The parking registration tag will allow the University to make sure that only students, staff and faculty are parking on campus. This will assist the University to identify illegally parked cars.

Citation Process

Citations are paid to Campus Safety and Security within 14 days. Our office accepts cash or check, citations are unable to be paid online. After 14 days the citation fine will be added to your individual student account. If you want to appeal our citation, you must email security at and request a meeting to go over your fines.

To truly stand out, we must not feel compelled to fit in.